Mercury Rising: How To Tell If Your Cat Has A Fever
A fever occurs when your cat's body temperature rises above the normal range in an immune response to infection, traumatic injury and certain diseases. Fever should always be considered a sign of illness. Taking your cat's temperature and observing for additional symptoms will determine how urgently your cat needs to get to the animal hospital for treatment. Signs of a Fever If your kitty is under the weather, you may observe the following signs of a potential fever:
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Busting Stress: 3 Tips To Help Avoid Canine Stress
Dogs get stressed just like humans. And, just as there are ways to reduce the potential of stress in human lives, the same is true with dogs. Here are a few ways you can help avoid stressing out your furry friend: 1. Don't Mess With Their Routine. Believe it or not, your dog's normal routine has a lot to do with keeping it stress-free. Under all circumstances, you should never disrupt your dog's usual routine.
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Keeping Cats Safe During The Holiday Season
When it becomes time to decorate for the holidays, safety should be an issue when pets are involved. Cat are curious animals that can become injured when investigating some of the decor that may be used to spread festivity in your home. Here are some precautionary steps to take when decorating for the holidays if you own a cat in an attempt to keep them safe from harm. Keep Poinsettias Away Poinsettias are a known holiday plant that many find to be cheerful and appropriate for the season.
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6 Ways a Spay and Neuter Clinic Can Help Your Pets Health and Behavior
You already know that a trip to the spay and neuter clinic means that you won't be a pet parents many, many times over. It's no big secret that spaying and neutering animals keeps the pet population down and means that there won't be a new litter of kittens or puppies in your household's future. But, what else does spaying/neutering offer your pet? Reproductive health. Animals that aren't spayed can develop uterine cancer, reproductive tract cancers and uterine infections, according to the Humane Society of the United States.
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Two Tips To Help You Find A Good Pet Groomer
If you're one of the many people who consider your pet to be a beloved member of the family, you are probably highly concerned about finding the right groomer for them. You place a great deal of trust in a pet groomer because they are charged with the task of washing your pet and cutting your pet's hair with sharp objects. You want a groomer that you can feel comfortable leaving your pet with for several hours at a time.
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Using A Holistic Approach In Relieving Your Cat's Depression
If your cat is suffering from depression, you may have thought about enlisting help from a holistic veterinarian. Veterinarians that take a holistic approach at providing service will treat your cat using an open-mind and by incorporating new treatments in relieving your pet's symptoms. They will often use these newer methods in treatment in tandem with traditional methods. Here are a few of the ways a holistic veterinarian would recommend you try using to relieve feline depression in your pet.
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What To Know If Your Pet Has Ingested A Foreign Object
Pets can be curious, and both dogs and cats can try to chew -- and sometimes swallow -- interesting things. The problem is that these foreign objects may not pass right through the intestinal tract. Depending on what your pet has ingested, that foreign object may be poisonous, dangerous or simply not digestible, so it will stay in the stomach or intestines and will have to be removed surgically. Signs That Your Pet Has Ingested Something Inedible
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The Danger Of Intestinal Obstructions In Dogs
Dogs love to chew, so it's little wonder that many dogs are seen for intestinal obstructions every year. Intestinal obstructions are caused by ingesting foreign objects and can be fatal if left untreated. By knowing how obstructions occur, and taking preventative measures, you can keep your dog feeling healthy and happy. What Is An Intestinal Obstruction? An intestinal obstruction occurs when a foreign body blocks the intestinal passage of your dog.
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Not-So-Fat Cat: Tips For Helping Your Kitty Slim Down
If your cat is suffering from a weight problem, your vet may have expressed some concerns about long-term health. Overweight cats can be at risk of many conditions, from heart disease to fatty liver. If your vet has suggested that it's time to slim your kitty's waist, you'll want to arm yourself with some tried-and-true techniques for burning some weight off. Here are some tips to help you get things going.
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Help Your Dog Avoid Summer Dangers
Summer is a great time to get outside with your dog. Whether you have a boxer, a terrier or a pomeranian, going for walks, playing catch, and hanging out by the beach are fun for both you and your pet. However, warm weather season brings with it a whole set of potential hazards for your dog. As a good pet parent, it's important to be on the lookout for these.
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