Fat Cats: Is Your Pet Overweight?
As human waistbands expand, veterinarians are seeing pets with the same issue -- a bit too much fat carried around the middle. According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, 57.9 percent of pet cats in the U.S. were overweight or obese in 2014. Like with people, the extra weight can lead to associated health problems like diabetes and heart problems. But determining if your cat is carrying too many pounds isn't always easy.
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Can't Afford the Vet This Month? 4 Tips for Grooming Your Dog at Home
If your dog is an important part of your family, you want to keep it healthy. Part of its healthcare routine should include proper grooming. You can't always find the time or money to take your dog to the animal hospital for grooming. That doesn't mean that your pet has to go without proper care. In fact, there are some simple treatments you can give your pet right at home. Here are a few tricks for keeping your dog well-groomed, even when you can't get to the groomers.
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Your Cat's Life Could Depend On Being Vaccinated
Your cat and its cousins, the leopard and tiger, share many traits. One thing they don't share is an immunity to some potentially fatal illnesses. That's why vaccinations at a place like The Pets Place Animal Hospital are important for your cat, even if it is an indoor-only cat. All it takes is a quick escape to the outdoors, or to rub noses with an infected cat through the screen door.
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Three Changes You Can Make To Your Home To Improve Your Cat's Health And Mood
The environment in which your cat lives can have a huge impact on his or her mental health. If your cat is showing signs of stress and emotional tension, such as over-grooming, irritability or aggression towards other pets, it might be time to make a few changes to your cat's home environment. Here's a look at three simple changes you can make to improve your cat's mood and well-being. Create pathways to high places.
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Pet First Aid: What Supplies Do You Need?
What would you do if your cat came home drooling or foaming at the mouth? What about if your dog started to choke on table scraps? Or if your rabbit starts to act extremely lethargic in warm weather? Welcome to the American Red Cross's Pet First Aid Awareness Month. Set every year for April, it's a great time to learn more about emergency care for your pet and review how you'd act in many common pet first aid situations.
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3 Signs That Your Guinea Pig Needs Emergency Medical Treatment
If you love your guinea pigs, it's important to be on the alert for any sign that they might be ill. What many pet owners don't realize is that by the time a guinea pig shows visible signs of illness, they're already gravely ill. In their native habitat, sick guinea pigs are easy targets for predators, so they've evolved to hide any symptoms of illness until they get too sick to do so anymore.
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Hidden Dangers Of Skipping Your Dog's Pedicure Appointment
If you have a dog prone to jumping, you probably keep up with regular nail trims. No matter how large or small your canine, sharp claws can hurt! But, even if you have a well behaved pet who keeps four legs on the floor at all times, you'll want to make sure you keep those nails tidy. Overgrown nails can cause your dog pain and lead to serious injury. Ingrown Nails Aren't Just for Humans
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Hiking With Your Furry Friend: Health And Injury Concerns To Be Aware Of
Dogs can easily get bored inside the house, which is why you may decide to take your furry friend on your next hiking trip. If you want to make sure you have an amazing hiking experience that is both safe and enjoyable, here are a few things that you need to be aware of. Dehydration Regardless of the temperature outside, it is easy for you as well as your dog to get dehydrated.
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3 Factors To Consider When Selecting An Animal Hospital
Has your dog's health been concerning you? If so, the thought of taking your dog into a local animal hospital like Highland Animal Hospital has likely crossed your mind. However, the cost of animal care can be very expensive, which is why you may have not taken your dog in for care yet. Well, before you assume that the cost of your animal hospital visit is going to be too much, you may want to consider using a local animal hospital that offers:
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Natural Flea And Tick Prevention For Your Dogs
You may not know this, but many dogs suffer from serious allergies and can have strong skin reactions to certain chemicals and substances. As such, standard flea and tick treatments can cause your dogs a great deal of discomfort and irritation. They may cry, whimper, start scratching uncontrollably, lose fur coverage, or have visible skin redness and rashes. Rather than taking this chance, learn some of the ways that you can naturally prevent fleas and ticks from affecting your dogs.
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