Using A Holistic Approach In Relieving Your Cat's Depression

Posted on: 5 August 2015


If your cat is suffering from depression, you may have thought about enlisting help from a holistic veterinarian. Veterinarians that take a holistic approach at providing service will treat your cat using an open-mind and by incorporating new treatments in relieving your pet's symptoms. They will often use these newer methods in treatment in tandem with traditional methods. Here are a few of the ways a holistic veterinarian would recommend you try using to relieve feline depression in your pet.

Boost Spirits With Sights And Sounds

A practitioner who uses alternative approaches at relieving depression may recommend that you increase the lighting inside your home to help your cat feel better. Light will stimulate hormones within the body that help give an uplifted feeling. In winter months, cats tend to feel more depressed because light is limited each day. Use lamps to illuminate your home and keep curtains and blinds wide open during sunlight hours. In addition to lighting, add some light music in your home. Make sure the volume is not too loud and keep your choices on the easy listening side so they do not scare your pet. 

Add Some Exercise And Enjoyment

Playing with your pet is a sure way to get them to interact with you. Many times, a pet will become depressed if there is a new member added to the household. This is true whether a baby was born, a relative has come to live with you, or you had gotten an additional pet. Show your pet they are still important to you by making a point in spending quality time playing with them each day. If there is a new human in the home, have them pick up a piece of string or crumple a piece of foil to play with the cat themselves. This can get a bond started between the newcomer and your pet.

Heal With The Power Of Touch

Massage has several benefits when administered correctly. You can massage your cat by slowly stroking their fur when they are curled up along side or sitting on your lap. If they purr and shut their eyes with approval, add a few extra strokes to help them relax. Some cats enjoy having a face rub or their ears gently pulled while you massage. When massaging, use slow, rhythmic movement movements where you move their skin in a clockwise direction. This is very enjoyable to most cats and they will soon look forward to your sessions.

For more information, contact Clayton Veterinary Associates or a similar location.