3 Tips For Cropping Your New Puppy's Ears

Posted on: 15 June 2015


Do you have a new puppy? Is it a breed that often has cropped ears? For owners of breeds like Dobermans, Great Danes, and even Pit Bulls, cropping the ears presents a big decision. In the past, many owners cropped their dog's ears because the dogs were used for security and it was thought that cropping improved their hearing. Today, it's largely known that cropping has no effect on hearing, but the appearance of cropped ears is still widely associated with these breeds. If you're considering cropping the ears, your preparation for the procedure and care for the dog afterward will go a long way toward ensuring that his or her ears look good. Here are three tips to get you through it:

Get your dog used to ear care. In the weeks after the procedure, you'll spend a lot of time caring for your dog's ears. You'll need to clean them regularly and re-tape them. You also may need to put cups or wire in place to support the ears. If your puppy isn't used to you handling his or her ears, he or she may fight you in this effort.

You can make it easier by doing a little prep work in advance of the procedure. Handle and wash your dog's ears on a daily basis, even if he or she doesn't appear to need it. This will get them more comfortable with it and make the job easier after the procedure.

Get the dog to perk his or her ears. Part of the healing process is that the dog's ears need to conform to the upright rigid position. They may transition faster if your dog practices holding them there. Of course, you can't just tell your dog to keep his or her ears up. What you can do, though, is offer your dog audio encouragement. For example, you could whistle at your dog regularly, which should cause him or her to perk the ears. You also may want to buy a small dog whistle and blow on it regularly to get your dog to perk the ears up. The more the dog keeps his or her ears in this position, the faster they may heal.

Vet your vet. Many vets offer ear cropping services. However, that doesn't mean you should use just any vet. Cropping the ears is a delicate and sensitive procedure and usually requires an experienced touch. Before you schedule the procedure with a vet, make sure you've seen examples of their work. Be sure that they've performed the procedure on your breed many times and that those ears look good to you. Also, ask about how much they assist with post-procedure care.

For more information, contact Animal Clinic of Bensonhurst or a similar location.