Did Your Dog Run Away And End Up In A Shelter? Grooming Will Take Care Of The Tangled Mess

Posted on: 15 May 2015


If your dog ran away and you just found it at the local animal shelter, you're going to want to give it a good grooming. Running away can leave your dog with matted hair and foul odors. Life on the run might also leave it with a new infestation of fleas. Here are a few ways to get your dog smelling fresh and looking clean again.

Repair Matted Hair

Matted hair can be uncomfortable, especially if the mats are causing the fur to pull away from the skin.  To remove mats easily, you'll want to begin with clean fur. Shampoo and condition your dog before you tackle the tangles. A mild de-tangling solution will work well to remove the mats and tangles in your dog's fur. Here's an easy concoction you can make at home. It will get out even the toughest tangles.

Supplies You'll Need

  • Spray bottle

  • Water

  • Your favorite conditioner

  • Rubbing alcohol


  1. Fill your bottle with water.

  2. Add ¼ cup of conditioner and 2 tablespoons of rubbing alcohol.

  3. Place lid on sprayer and shake well.

  4. Spray solution on your dog and allow it to sit for a couple of minutes.

  5. Work the solution into the tangles using your fingers.

  6. Gently comb the tangles out using a brush or comb.

Get Rid of Foul Odors

If your dog came home from the shelter smelling less than pleasant, this simple solution will remove the odors and leave your dog smelling fresh.

Supplies You'll Need

  • 2 cups of vinegar
  • Lavender essential oils

  • Bathtub


  1. Fill your tub with warm water.

  2. Add cups of vinegar and 10 drops of lavender essential oils

  3. Place your dog in the water and get its' fur wet.

  4. Leave the vinegar solution on your dog for a few minutes before rinsing.

  5. Be sure to avoid getting the water in your dog's eyes.

  6. Rinse well and thoroughly dry your dog.

Take Care of Fleas

Fleas are another problem that can plague your dog, especially if it was roaming the neighborhood for a while. Luckily there are some simple ways to get rid of the problem. Here are just a couple of them.

Salt Water

A quick way to get rid of fleas is to bathe your dog in salt water. Add about ¼ cup of salt to the bath water each time you bathe your dog. The salt water will kill the fleas on contact.


Another way to keep fleas away is to add a clove of garlic to your dog's food. Simply crush the clove and add it directly to the food. Add garlic to the food once a month to keep the fleas away.

Now that you have your dog back, you may want to give it some extra grooming. Use these simple methods to get your dog clean, fresh and free from fleas.

To learn more, contact a veterinarian like Animal Medical Center of Deer Valley